Current Board


​PresidentEmily Champa

President Elect – Cherrie Gerry

Past President –  Corinna Alander

Treasurer – Bernie Grimme

Secretary –  April Schulte

VR Member at Large – David Woodruff

Provider Member at Large – Ronda Erickson

If you are interested in running for a board seat at the 2024 Fall Conference, contact Emily Champa at

Why join the RehabACTion Board?

Emily Champa, President

My name is Emily Champa, and I am a Senior Rehabilitation Counselor in the Spearfish Vocational Rehabilitation office. I’ve been a member of RehabACTion for 5 years. I am currently the board president. This is my second year on the board. Board president is a 3-year term, where you serve the first year as president-elect, the second as president, and the third as the past president. As the current president, my duties consist of writing the agenda for and leading quarterly board meetings, reviewing funding and recognition requests, coordinating with board members to approve requests, and recruitment for board seats that will open in the fall. I joined RehabACTion and ran for a board seat because I witnessed the wonderful things the organization is involved with including supporting events like VR Appreciation Day, recognizing individuals that go above and beyond, supporting memorials for members that we lost to soon, and recognizing those who achieved further certifications in our field. I’ve enjoyed my time on the board and the opportunities it has provided to connect with individuals across the state.   

Cherie Gerry, President Elect

SD Rehabaction supports those working in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation, which empowers individuals with disabilities to go to work. I have been a member of SD Rehabaction since 2009 and am currently serving as the President-Elect. I joined SD Rehabaction as a way to network with other professionals and to be part of an organization that supports those working in vocational rehabilitation. My position on the Board is a three-year term, and involves serving the first year as Vice President, the second as President, and the third as Past President. Duties of the President-Elect include attending all board meetings (three per year, plus an annual meeting), assisting the President with their duties, acting on their behalf if the President is absent and preparing to become president by learning their duties and responsibilities. I have previously served in this role and highly encourage others to join SD Rehabaction and consider joining the Board.

April Schulte, Secretary

My name is April Schulte, and I am the Manager of the SD Rehabilitation Center for the Blind.  I am currently the secretary for the RehabACTion board which is a one-year term.  I am responsible for participating in the quarterly meetings and taking notes during the meeting which then get uploaded to the website.  I have been a member of RehabACTion for the past 8 years and joined because of all the great things this organization supports including recognizing professionals in the vocational rehabilitation field when they have achieved their certification and different events like VR Appreciation Day so we can celebrate all the great work done.

Bernie Grimme, Treasurer

I have been the Treasurer of South Dakota RehabAction since it’s beginning. This is a 3 year term for a person in the DRS/SBVI state office.  The treasure is very involved with the Fall Conference in processing payments and depositing registrations.   Other duties include the annual filing of the Secretary of State and the annual IRS filing of the 990 document. I also maintain the database of the members and send out periodic emails for people to renew them membership.

David Woodruff, VR Member at Large

I ran to become the VR Member at Large for RehabACTion as a way to try to give back and support the organization. I’ve always appreciated the way RehabACTion gives us the opportunity to recognize educational achievements, host certain work events, and to recognize individual contributions to our collective goals. As the VR Member at Large, my role is to represent the interests of the members of RehabACTion, such as vocational rehabilitation counselors. This role exists as a way to support various projects and other needs of the Board.

Rhonda Erickson, Provider Member at Large

I am a Community Work Incentives Coordinator for South Dakota Benefits Specialist Network through Black Hills Special Services Cooperative.  As the Provider Member at Large, I represent the organizations and providers that work collaboratively with Vocational Rehabilitation.   I have previously served as the Provider Member at Large and have been a RehabACTion member for 13 years.  I have had the pleasure of being a provider for Vocational Rehabilitation for over 20 years and am honored to be associated with such a wonderful organization.   Serving as a board member is one way to contribute to a great organization that supports Vocational Rehabilitation counselors and professionals that work along side them who are committed to helping individuals achieve their employment goals and enhance their lives.