Current Board


​PresidentCherie Gerry

President Elect – Kama Kwiecinski

Past President –  Emily Champa

Treasurer – Bernie Grimme

Secretary –  April Schulte

VR Member at Large – Shayna Remund

Provider Member at Large – Barry Gravatt

If you are interested in running for a board seat at the 2025 Fall Conference, contact Cherie Gerry at 

Why join the RehabACTion Board?

Cherie Gerry, President 

SD Rehabaction supports those working in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation, which empowers individuals with disabilities to go to work. I have been a member of SD Rehabaction since 2009 and am currently serving as the President. I joined SD Rehabaction as a way to network with other professionals and to be part of an organization that supports those working in vocational rehabilitation. My position on the Board is a three-year term, and involves serving the first year as president elect, the second as President, and the third as Past President. I have previously served in this role and highly encourage others to join SD Rehabaction and consider joining the Board.

Kama Kwiecinski, President Elect

My name is Kama Kwiecinski, and I am honored to serve as the President-Elect for the RehabACTion Board, which is year one of a three year term. As the counselor at the South Dakota Rehabilitation Center for the Blind, I have the privilege of working in a unique role that has both challenged and deeply fulfilled me, allowing me to help individuals overcome barriers and achieve their dreams.


Currently, I am pursuing my master’s degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling at South Dakota State University, driven by a passion for empowering others and creating meaningful change. Joining RehabACTion initially to support my coworkers and community, I quickly discovered the remarkable impact of this organization. From offering transformative training opportunities at our annual Fall Conference to celebrating individual achievements, RehabACTion plays a pivotal role in advancing the field of vocational rehabilitation.


I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a dynamic organization and encourage others to join us in supporting this essential work. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

Emily Champa, Past President

My name is Emily Champa, and I am a Senior Rehabilitation Counselor in the Spearfish Vocational Rehabilitation office. I’ve been a member of RehabACTion for 5 years. This is my third year on the board. Board president is a 3-year term, where you serve the first year as president-elect, the second as president, and the third as the past president. I joined RehabACTion and ran for a board seat because I witnessed the wonderful things the organization is involved with including supporting events like VR Appreciation Day, recognizing individuals that go above and beyond, supporting memorials for members that we lost to soon, and recognizing those who achieved further certifications in our field. I’ve enjoyed my time on the board and the opportunities it has provided to connect with individuals across the state.   

April Schulte, Secretary

My name is April Schulte, and I am the Manager of the SD Rehabilitation Center for the Blind.  I am currently the secretary for the RehabACTion board which is a one-year term.  I am responsible for participating in the quarterly meetings and taking notes during the meeting which then get uploaded to the website.  I have been a member of RehabACTion for the past 9 years and joined because of all the great things this organization supports including recognizing professionals in the vocational rehabilitation field when they have achieved their certification and different events like VR Appreciation Day so we can celebrate all the great work done.

Bernie Grimme, Treasurer

I have been the Treasurer of South Dakota RehabAction since it’s beginning. This is a 3 year term for a person in the DRS/SBVI state office.  The treasure is very involved with the Fall Conference in processing payments and depositing registrations.   Other duties include the annual filing of the Secretary of State and the annual IRS filing of the 990 document. I also maintain the database of the members and send out periodic emails for people to renew them membership.

Barry Gravatt, Provider Member at Large

As a Community Work Incentives Coordinator for Black Hills Special Services I have been a SD RehabACTion member for 10 years.  I recently joined the board as Provider Member at Large due to my interest in RehabACTion’s work supporting advances in vocational services and supports.  This  annually elected role allows for a public sector perspective in the collaborative process of empowering workers with disability and their dedicated providers. 

Shayna Remund, VR Member at Large

I am Shayna Remund and I am the training specialist for the Division of Rehabilitation Services. I have been a member of RehabACTion since I was an SDSU student pursing my VR counseling master's degree. I joined RehabACTion as a networking opportunity to meet people in the VR field. I have enjoyed being a member and a board member and getting to be part of RehabACTion's recognition of its members accomplishments, supporting big events across the state like the remodel of the Rehab Center for the Blind, and participating in staff appreciation events annually. As the VR member at large, I bring the perspective of the VR professionals to the board when making decisions on events we support and ensuring that members in the VR field are recognized for their accomplishments like passing the CRC exam. Joining the RehabACTion board has provided a low time commitment way to positively impact on the VR field across the state!